New Webinar Opportunity: “Five Minute E&O Fixes: Tips, Tricks and Tiny Tweaks That Help Protect Your Agency."
The Big “I" Professional Liability Risk Management team invites Big “I" members to attend a complimentary new webinar, “Five Minute E&O Fixes: Tips, Tricks and Tiny Tweaks That Help Protect Your Agency."
Have you ever attended an E&O Risk Management seminar and thought, "Wow, those are all such great ideas to help me prevent having an E&O claim, but they all seem like it will take a long time to get them done."
Well, the Big “I" risk management team heard you thinking that and thought, "What can someone do in five minutes or less in their daily work that will have a big impact on E&O prevention?" And now we have some answers.
Join us for "Five Minute E&O Fixes: Tips, Tricks and Tiny Tweaks That Help Protect Your Agency" with some risk management wizards who will overview several different things that are easy to do that will help keep you out of E&O harm's way.
Cheryl Koch, David Donohue, and Brian Butcher are the wizards who will give you some magic that will help you stay away from the E&O evil that besets you daily.
Three sessions will be offered. All sessions contain the same content. All Big “I" members and staff are welcome and encouraged to participate.
Register now: