Agents Council for Technology
The Agents Council for Technology (ACT) brings agents, carriers, vendors, user groups and industry associations together in an effort to employ the best workflows and technologies available within the Independent Agency System. ACT often addresses areas of focus that are applicable to agencies' E&O exposures and we've included those articles and tools here.
How do you best protect your agency from cyber threats and prepare your agency to recover should disaster strike? The ACT Security Issues Work Group has collected the following resources to help you protect your agency against tomorrow's threats. Understand risks, discover solutions and check out the wealth of resources available.
This article discusses the importance of agencies’ implementing a written security plan and program and the free prototype agency information security plan that ACT has developed to assist agents. The article then provides agencies with a series of steps to take to put a strong security program in place, customized to their particular operations.
This product is designed for independent agents--independent agents of any size. It is a practical hands-on tool with step-by- step guidance on how to improve workflows, fully use agency technology, and clarify staff roles. The tool also provides the implementation tools and sample workflows to help the agency succeed in adopting these improvements in both property casualty and benefits processes.
Like traditional crime, cybercrime covers a broad scope of criminal activity and can occur anytime and anyplace. What makes it different is that the crime is committed using a computer and the Internet. You may recognize some of its most common forms such as identity theft, computer viruses and phishing, and at a corporate level, computer hacking of customer databases.
About this article: Agency websites have become a core component of the marketing strategy for many independent agencies, but they also may present errors & omissions exposures that must be managed. This article explores some of the major E&O exposures that may arise and provides several E&O tips for mitigating those risks, as well as sample website disclaimers.
There are significant industry efforts underway to improve the efficiency of the E&S markets, but those efforts are at a crossroads. The involvement of independent agents is needed now to push for the acceptance of ACORD applications in this market, as well as for the implementation of automated real-time data uploads and downloads by their general agent and wholesaler business partners.
A noted law firm specializing in agencies’ E&O defense work
provides several recommendations as to how agencies can use their technology most effectively to protect against E&O exposure.
You wouldn't use old oil in your car. Are you using an old browser on your PC? Internet Explorer 6 was released more than eight years ago. If you are using this old browser now might be the right time to upgrade to a newer version of Microsoft's browser.
Disaster planning is for every independent agency. Nearby construction can take out your electricity or sever your connections to the Internet, putting your staff out of commission for several days. A computer virus can bring your systems down, resulting in costly down time and an inability to service your customers as they expect to be serviced.
Has your agency taken the proper precautions to handle these disasters, let alone a fire, flood, hurricane, tornado, or earthquake? Does your staff understand what is expected of them to safeguard against disasters and what their role will be if a disaster were to occur?
Many agencies are assessing whether they should continue to maintain policies locally, given their availability on the carrier website. They are also looking at emailing policies to clients. This article provides guidance to agencies considering these questions. The article also outlines opportunities carriers and technology providers have to deliver electronic policies to their agents more effectively...
ACT’s website contains a wealth of information to assist agencies as they make their technology and workflow decisions. This article reviews some of the most popular resources found on the site in the areas of agency productivity, Internet marketing and agency risk management.
ACT is providing this prototype agency information security plan solely as a tool to assist agencies and brokers in creating a plan appropriate and customized for their particular firm. This sample is not a substitute for agencies and brokers independently evaluating any business, legal or other issues, and is not a recommendation that a particular course of action be adopted...
There is growing acceptance that agents and brokers can benefit from effective use of the social web. Yet, the opportunity presented by the social web is not without risk. There are traditional concerns surrounding such issues as privacy, errors and omissions, security, and protecting proprietary information and new issues surrounding the concepts of transparency and personal vs. company brand...
A group of 18-20 Internet savvy agent, carrier and vendor executives gathered at the latest ACT meeting to discuss their experiences and lessons with their websites and uses of social media. What emerged was a consensus on several “best practice” tips for using these online tools, which will be helpful to additional agencies as they seek to build their online presence and brand.